Unmedicated birth experiences - Birth Stories | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Unmedicated birth experiences - Birth Stories | Forums | What to Expect (2)


I’m a FTM due in a couple weeks and I really want to have an unmedicated birth. Everyone who’s asked me what my birth plan was has laughed at me and told me it’s impossible. Ive blocked out the negativity because I do know it’s possible but I would love to hear some birth stories from those who chose to go unmedicated! Also did you do anything before hand to prepare yourself for birth?

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I chose unmedicated. I took an online Lamaze course to educate myself on unmedicated birth since it was a pretty inexpensive and concise program, but there are other more detailed resources out there on unmedicated birth, like two of my favorite YouTube people, Bridget Teyler and Nurse Zabe. Definitely check 'em out! I actually posted my whole birth story on this community and if you click on the filter icon at the top right-hand corner and search "unmedicated birth," you'll find it under my name. And you'll find other mamas' stories too!

You CAN do this, mama, and don't listen to the naysayers! But just remember that if things change and you really need an epidural or a c-section, you have not failed; you brought an entire human being into this world! Good luck to you!

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I've had two unmedicated, induced births. ignore their negativity or tell them to shove it, women do it literally every day with no complications. you can do it!! look into breathing exercises, I know it sounds silly but focusing on your breathing really does help so much

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It’s so hard to get that constant barrage of opinions and negative projections. I hope you can find inner peace and conviction for your plan.

I wanted an unmedicated birth for my 1st (born early December 2023) and when my water broke a month early I didn’t think I would be able to but I advocated for myself and aside from misoprostol to ripen my cervix and one puff of nitros oxide (I really didn’t like it personally - it made me very nauseous) I was able to birth unmedicated the way I wanted to. I used the tub, a ball, and was able to walk around until they broke my fore bag and I started active labor immediately.

All in all my labor was 12 hours from start to finish and she was out in 4 pushes while I used a squat rack. I won’t lie- I got to that point where I didn’t think I could keep going but I had rockstar support and had really worked on why I wanted to do it this way (absolutely no judgement to anyone who opts for medication!)

I hope you have amazing support and have practiced your tools (I recommend a comb to squeeze during contractions, a very long playlist- probably a couple depending on your mood, and hopefully you are birthing somewhere that allows you to eat and drink)

For me, it was worth it. I felt so strong and empowered. My daughter was 6lbs 11oz and healthy. I did hemorrhage after birthwhile passing the placenta but they had it under control so quickly. I was exhausted but grateful. Sending you so many good thoughts and vibes for your birth.

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I have had two babies - first had an epidural and second was unmedicated other than being induced (he was a week late). Being honest, the pain of labor was 10x worse than anything I have ever imagined or experienced. Contractions don't hurt initially, but when you get closer to birth, it literally feels like your body is ripping apart. With my first, I was dead tired and had the epidural, then I was able to sleep/relax for a bit before having baby. I also tore really bad, which thank goodness I couldn't feel. It took months for me to recover from that. The epidural was the right call for that delivery. With my second, I was much better rested and baby was out in an hour after my water broke, so there were only a few intense contractions. My advice to go unmedicated is to get as much sleep as you can, learn how to breathe during intense pain, and get your support people in place. There is no prize for going unmedicated and you will know what you need.

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so I am pregnant with my second and my first I had an epidural and it was very similar to you. I tore so badly and it took me months to recover and now I’m strongly considering unmedicated

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just recently experienced a successful VBAC unmedicated! it was a very beautiful process. I read a lot of successful stories and unsuccessful just to prepare myself incase it didn't go as I planned! the biggest thing to do is breathe!!!! and believe in yourself that the pain is supposed to be there and that it's just another contraction closer to seeing your beautiful baby!! I also had a wonderful birthing nurse! I did take a medication IV that helped me relax when I got overwhelmed when I was 4cm. I was strep B positive so already had the IV in.
good luck to you and your baby! stay strong for yourself and believe in yourself! you got this mama!!

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You can do it!! I got the same types of responses - lots of laughs and “good luck” in sarcastic ways. I watched a lot of YouTube videos from Bridget Teyler. She helped a lot with teaching breathing techniques. I also did yoga to prepare my body/hips from Pregnancy and Postpartum TV on YouTube. I also read Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. I did end up using nitrous oxide at the very end when I was about 9cm (about hour 34 of 38 hours of labor). The feelings of labor are unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I’ve been an athlete my whole life and the exhaustion and cramping my muscles felt were unreal. Make sure you eat well beforehand to fuel your body and id recommend bringing Gatorade/powerade or something with electrolytes to the hospital with you. Also do research on labor positions if you have to turn your baby or if you have back pain. Labor in water if you can! Remember it’s mind over matter and you come from a long line of successful reproducers! You can do it!

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I was all set up to do an unmedicated birth at a birthing center with a midwife, and then little guy broke my waters at 36wk 6 days so we went to a hospital for the nicu team. I went from zero to 100 and had the baby in 3 hours.

At the time, I was crying for the epideral but everything went so fast that they didn't have a chance, and I'm glad I didn't.

It WILL be a learning experience but you can do it!! try to stay focused on your breathing through contractions

My recovery has been a cinch. I was up and walking within a few hours of birth and 7 days later, I'm hardly in any pain at all. The doctors said unmedicated allows you to recover more quickly because you are able to be up and moving.

you've got this mama! this is what your body was designed to do!

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Birth story twins! Water broke at 36w 6 days and he was born in 2.5 hours. No time for epidural. Precipitous labor pain is no joke! I love my birth story but my word that pain was awful.

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It is very hard to have an unmedicated birth in a hospital, especially if you don't have a doula to advocate for you. I have had 3 unmedicated births and they were amazing and difficult, but I had them at home so I wouldn't be constantly at odds with the hospital staff like I was with my first birth. If I had hired a doula, I think an unmedicated birth in a hospital would have been entirely doable.

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I had an unmedicated birth as a FTM back in July. Yes, it is the hardest thing you will ever do. But yes, it is possible and so rewarding! I stayed active during my pregnancy and did a lot of birth preparation videos and exercises from Pregnancy and Postpartum TV on Youtube. I also hired a doula. If you can afford to get a doula, it is VERY worth it. Having a doula and a midwife for labor and delivery was so nice. In addition, I have no idea if these “wives tales” are true but I ate a TON of dates later in pregnancy and then when full term I drank Raspberry Leaf Tea and went into labor naturally the next morning haha! You’ve got this mama!

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I was able to have an unmedicated labor although it was a long haul...32 hours and no complications. I would do it over the same way again if I had to. Of course it was difficult. You're expelling a being that's been growing in your body for 10 months. This requires intensity and a great deal of effort from your body... and at the same time, your body knows what to do. In my experience, there was never a point where I wanted to get an epidural or use medications. The most difficult part for me was how tired I became over the course of the 32 hours. I found the most helpful thing for me was to normalize unmedicated labor. If that's what you want, you need a provider who's going to support you in attaining that. We worked with a midwife and I'm soo happy with my experience with her. Something else that really helped me too is watching unmedicated positive births on youtube!! Also watching Bridget Teylor's youtube videos. Educate yourself as much as you can! You can do this mama xo

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.